On Good Friday the simple wooden cross is the centre of our service as we remember what Jesus Christ did for us all on the cross. “For...
Reflections on Revelation Chapter 4
Pre-amble Firstly I wish to thank everyone for the prayers, their support, their encouragement and last of all but not least their love...

Date: 19 May 2019 Text: Nehemiah 8 Introduction I have thought long and hard about what I should preach on in my final two sermons as...

The Lord's Grace
Date: 07 Apr 2019 Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-20 Introduction When we last looked at 1 Timothy a few weeks ago, I intended to look at 1 Timothy...

False Teachers
Date: 10 Mar 2019 Text: 1 Timothy 1:1-11 Introduction I spent my first year at Bible College at Moorlands in Dorset. Shortly before I...

The Scroll - Seals 4-6
Date: 21 Oct 2018 Text: Revelation 6:7-17 Introduction Last week we returned to looking at the wonderful but difficult Book of...

The Scroll - Seals 1-3
Date: 14 Oct 2018 Text: Revelation 6:1-6 Introduction It has been quite a while since we last looked at Revelation and so I think the...

Fruit of the Spirit
Date: 07 Oct 2018 Text: Galatians 5:22-23 Introduction It’s Harvest and once again the generosity of those who attend this church never...